Geese Project

Get Ready to Lead

Be the Next Global Filipino Leader

What is The Geese Project?

The Geese Project is a culture-based leadership program to assess, develop and transform the next generation of global Filipino leaders.

Why is it called Geese Project?

The Geese Project was derived from the natural flying behaviors of the Canadian Geese, as a metaphor for teamwork, team support and leadership. The aspirational vision of the Geese Project is to transition Filipino leaders from the Crab Mentality to the Geese Mentality.

Who is the Geese Project for?

The Geese Project is for high-potential Filipino managers and leaders, looking to elevate their leadership skills and accelerate their leadership transformation to world-class standards.

Why the Geese Project?

Filipinos are hitting the “leadership ceiling” due to a significant gap in our leadership skills, limiting our ability to compete and succeed in the new global economy. Self-awareness and mastery of the Geese Project leadership traits, are the key to bridging the leadership gap.

The Geese Project Leadership Model was purposedly designed with the Filipino profile in mind, integrating our legacy traits that significantly influence our leadership style and effectiveness. Mastery of these traits will result to sustainable character transformation versus short-term behavior modification.

Developing world-class Filipino leaders at all levels, is the key to the success of companies, communities, and our country.

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Do you want to Elevate your Leadership Skills?

What is the Geese Project Leadership Model?

The Geese Project Leadership Model is based on the premise that the key influencers of a person’s leadership success and effectiveness, are the cultural traits that a person inherently possess (“cultural DNA”). Each one’s cultural DNA is different and are shaped by their upbringing environment, educational background and societal norms.

Harnessing these Power, Challenge, Aspirational and Foundational cultural traits is the key to effective leadership.


Power Traits

These are leadership traits that Filipinos tend to be naturally good at without any conscious learning.


Aspirational Traits

These are leadership traits that Filipinos can be very good at and already possess at least one core element of the trait.


Challenge Traits

These are leadership traits that Filipinos tend to struggle with, heavily influenced by parenting style, educational system and societal norms.


Foundational Traits

These are the most critical of all the traits/values from which other traits are built on.

What is the Geese Project Leadership Model?

The Geese Project Leadership Model is based on the premise that the key influencers of a person’s leadership success and effectiveness, are the cultural traits that a person inherently possess (“cultural DNA”). Each one’s cultural DNA is different and are shaped by their upbringing environment, educational background and societal norms.

Harnessing these Power, Challenge, Aspirational and Foundational cultural traits is the key to effective leadership.

Benefits of the Geese Project Leadership Program?

By mastering the Geese Project Leadership Model, Filipino leaders will elevate their skills to world-class standards and accelerate their leadership journey.

  • Develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.

  • Learn to maximize available resources, making informed decisions in any situation.

  • Acquire strategies to navigate and resolve conflicts, creating a positive and productive work environment.

  • Hone your analytical skills to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and drive innovation.

  • Master the art of effective communication, ensuring clarity and alignment throughout your organization.

  • Cultivate your unique leadership style, inspiring and guiding your team towards shared goals.

  • Foster a culture of creativity and innovation, staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing business landscape.

  • Strive for excellence in every aspect of your work, setting high standards and achieving outstanding results.

  • Develop the discipline to stay focused and consistent in your efforts, driving sustained success.

  • Uphold a strong sense of integrity, earning the trust and respect of your team and stakeholders.

  • Instill a strong personal work ethic, fostering a culture of dedication and accountability within your organization.

  • Build meaningful connections with your team and stakeholders, fostering collaboration and trust.

What Our Participants are saying
about the Geese Project:

What Our Participants
are saying about the Geese Project:

“I’m a PH patriot and a global leader!Thanks for the validation Richard.”

Tine T.

“Richard has dissected the problem we should surmount to succeed globally.”

Arnel A.

“Super useful insights. Very life-changing!”

Paul P.

“I hope majority of Filipino Leaders would be able to listen to this and have a reflection.”

Jenny Fe M.

“I understand more my role to be a leader.”

Angelito D.

“That we somehow lost our inspiration to dream and that we seemed to have lost our “moral compass" has a great impact.”

Andrew R.

“This is engaging and full of wisdom!”

Marilou D.

“We need that all Filipinos should be able to hear and watch this.”

Andrew R.

“Richard is a very informative speaker! Great experience!”

Violy A.

“This is absolutely an eye opener!”

Danilo L.

“Amazed, inspired, encourage, enlightened, motivated and reminded.”

Mel B.

“Inspiring and compelled for the love of our next generation.”

Lizbeth Q.
“I’m a PH patriot and a global leader! Thanks for the validation Richard.”
Tine T.
“Richard has dissected the problem we should surmount to succeed globally.”
Amel A.
“Super useful insights. Very life-changing!”
Paul P.
“I hope majority of Filipino Leaders would be able to listen to this and have a reflection.”
Jenny Fe M.
“That we somehow lost our inspiration to dream and that we seemed to have lost our “moral compass" has a great impact.”
Andrew R.
“I understand more my role to be a leader.”
Angelito D.
“The Geese Project made me aware of my shortcomings. Thereby, pinpointing the need for my progress areas. So that I can expand all this to the rest of my team. Collectively, we can be flying like geese in V formation, working to a common goal.”
Robert F.
“The Geese Project helped me build a supportive team, culture, emphasizing strong relationships and open communication to achieve shared goals.”
Abegayle D.

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